The 4 Disciplines of Execution and EME6414

This week I attended a professional development workshop on The 4 Disciplines of Execution. While I sat in this workshop I immediately thought about this course. Before I get started on why EME6414 came to mind, let me give you a quick overview of what The 4 Disciplines of Execution are. 


It's basically promised that if you can adopt the 4 disciplines then you can produce breakthrough results!

Discipline 1: Focus on the Wildly Important Goal (WIG)
Discipline 2: Act on Lead Measures
Discipline 3: Keep a Compelling Scoreboard (this is where it's going to all make sense).
Discipline 4: Create a cadence of accountability

In the workshop, they talked about the whirlwind. In the whirlwind, there is a lot of stuff going on, but not everything is important. This is where the WIG comes in. 

Finding your FOCUS. In order to do things well, you need to focus on two important tasks at a time. They shared this example. If Jimmy wants to learn how to tie his shoe, we need to create a WIG for him. Jimmy will practice twice a day and will learn to tie his shoe by the end of the month. (Discipline 1).  Next, we need to come up with our lead measures (Discipline 2). Jimmy will tie his shoes with mom every night and practice during lunch with Ted. Step 3 is our scoreboard! This will keep Jimmy engaged. Every time he practices with mom he put a red sticker on the board and when he practiced with Ted he puts a blue sticker on the board. By the end of the month, if Jimmy has a board filled with stickers, he should know to tie his shoes. That leaves us with Discipline 4, the accountability, Jimmy has his mom and Ted to help him stay accountable. 

To make my point is that our class is kinda set up this way! 

Each week we are given tools to play with, and readings to choose from. We "pick our own adventure". Every week we are creating our WIG. What's going to be the Wildling Important Goal from this whirlwind class. Then we have our lead measures. These are the badges. The badges keep us engaged in the course. This leads us to the scoreboard! Bagdelist is our scoreboard. We get to keep track of ourselves and our classmates. We choose how we want to be motivated by the variety of badges there are to earn. Lastly, discipline 4, is our cadence of accountability. This is the participation log we complete each week. This holds us accountable as a weekly process check that highlights our successes, and failures, and basically is our performance-managment. 

I just thought wow pretty neat how the things can just piece together. So do you think our class is following The 4 Disciplines of Execution? Have you ever taken one of these workshops?


  1. I think our class is definitely following those 4 disciplines! Crazy how your PD came full circle for class. I really like the outline of those disciplines too. It makes me think of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. My school does the kids version and one of the habits is "Put First Things, First" and it would go along with the WIGs that your PD talked about. Making sure that you determine what is important and getting that done first!

    1. The schools in our county also follow that! They have the leader in me program. That is a good WIG!

  2. Yes! Definitely see the overlap and very interesting. This course, and now these disciplines, are the first time Iʻve encountered this kind of structure. Iʻve enjoyed the balance of structure and freedom it provides, a happy surprise for me. How fun you discovered this outside of class ( I like those moments of surprise alignment). I will keep my eye out for one of these workshops. How did you hear about it?

  3. I just love when things seem to work out that way. The program I run if funded through a grant. They always put on professional development workshops for us. This has been the first workshop, that I have felt really made an impact.


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