Digital Organizing - Why It's Hard
Digital Organizing - Diigo 👍👎
I created my Diigo account and the first thing I thought of was, "ohhh this is work". I would say I'm a very organized person almost OCD about where everything needs to do in my house. If it doesn't have a home, I don't want it. And as Marie Kondo puts it, "does it spark joy?".
I can see how Diigo could be very beneficial for organizing lots of digital information in order to use it effectively and set yourself up for success. You need to stay on top of a system in how you are going to categorize the items you put in Diigo. I have found organizing tangible things to be my favorite thing! If you want me to come over and Marie Kondo your room, I'm your person. When it comes to organizing the intangible such as files and photos... Oh, I am terrible. I think it's because I get lazy about it and can't stick to a system.
An example that comes to mind are photos taken for work. Each year I put together a digital slideshow of all the photos I've taken in my program. The problem is, that I take the photos with my personal phone and forget to move them into the "SSTRIDE" folder I created on my phone. When the end of the school year comes. I'm scrolling for hours trying to find all the photos! Thankfully all my photos back up into my amazon photos and from there I can grab photos by location. If I would just follow a system, I wouldn't have all these issues that I run into. Each year I say I'll do better and never learn.
While Diigo looks and sounds like it would be a great platform to organize things I find for research projects and collaboration. I might have to stick with my old fashion ways of bookmarking a page on my browser. Probably not the most effective, but it still gets the job done.
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