It's 2000, I'm sitting in my parent's walk-in closet in our tiny apartment, where we kept the computer. I start up the computer and hear, Pshhhkkkkkkrrrrkakingkakingkakingtshchchchchchchchcch*ding*ding*ding* (I've included a youtube video if you need a reminder on what dial-up sounds like).
The internet was just emerging! I felt like the luckiest person to have internet in my house. I don't remember doing much with it, but I do remember that sound and the simple appearance. Just to think that it was Web 1.0 that I was experiencing. Now I get to experience Web 2.0 and even Web 3.0! As much as it is great to experience Web 3.0, I would like Facebook to stop promoting items I don't need... But wait maybe that's Web 4.0? Before I give myself a headache, maybe I'll just stick to trying to understand Web 2.0 before I get into the others.
Happy Hump Day! This week feels longer than the last. Could be because school lets out in 6 days, which means my workload lightens and I can already feel myself wanting to take a much-needed vacation. After looking through the different reading options this week, the journal article that stood out most to me was, "Constructing academic alter-egos: identity issues in a blog-based community". The keyword is alter-egos . As I read through the article I kept thinking about Monday's Instagram challenge. I don't just post all the time on my Instagram feed. Only "curated" photos go there. If I want to share a photo or video that doesn't fit my "standard" of what goes on my feed, I just share it to my stories. I hate how I'm explaining what goes where and why, like if I have a mass following and must keep to my brand. Dennen shared a piece from Bruner, that I felt encompassed what I was feeling. "As bloggers weave the narratives of their live...
I enjoyed reading the type of blogger post! Reading it I first thought. "Oh I am soooo the transactional blogger." I'm trying to check the boxes off my list and figure out when and what I'll post for the week before the week is up. I'm just trying to get through the week and move on. But! As I read through the others I tried to see myself in them. Maybe I'm a little bit teacher ? But I haven't done any teaching yet. I feel like I am in the reflective stage right now. I'm just writing these blogs for myself. Using them to figure out what the heck I am doing. And yes, I don't actually want anyone to read my blog posts. If I see ever see you in public, I will hide. In case you are reading... What kind of blogger are you?
One week left! I can't wait for the end. Ok... maybe it's not finally over, but this time we are close. Next week I plan to use my blogging token and so this will be my last blog (wooh!). While blogging sometimes was very therapeutic, it was also just something else to add to my endless list of tasks. From what I have seen in this course, there are some natural bloggers out there! I hope they keep going 😊 As for me, I'm done. Tonight I'll start my PLN and I think I'm going to write about an area of personal interest. Just because this course has taught me how much I love talking about being a new parent specifically breastfeeding, baby-lead weaning, and child development. There have been quite a few moments in this course that I've touched on those topics. This PLN has been growing with me as I enter new chapters in the life of parenthood. Here we go! Let's start at 11pm at night and see how far we can get.
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