How Do you Spell the Sound of Dail-Up?

It's 2000, I'm sitting in my parent's walk-in closet in our tiny apartment, where we kept the computer. I start up the computer and hear, Pshhhkkkkkkrrrr​kakingkakingkakingtsh​chchchchchchchcch​*ding*ding*ding* (I've included a youtube video if you need a reminder on what dial-up sounds like).

The internet was just emerging! I felt like the luckiest person to have internet in my house. I don't remember doing much with it, but I do remember that sound and the simple appearance. Just to think that it was Web 1.0 that I was experiencing. Now I get to experience Web 2.0 and even Web 3.0! As much as it is great to experience Web 3.0, I would like Facebook to stop promoting items I don't need... But wait maybe that's Web 4.0? Before I give myself a headache, maybe I'll just stick to trying to understand Web 2.0 before I get into the others.


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