Reflection - Week 3 - 5/29/2022

 Reflection - Week 2:

This week I feel like I hit the ground running! As I was looking back on my participation log. I felt like I accomplished quite a bit. Once Friday hit things went a little downhill. I've been working on updating the backyard and this weekend was the perfect long weekend to get things checked off the list. While I failed at completing the Instagram photo challenge. I did get to use social media to help me with a special backyard project.  

For the past few days, we have had a chicken come roam into our front yard. My daughter and I have been feeding it bird food because my daughter loves all animals. This got me thinking, that maybe it's finally time to get chickens of our own. I started with Pinterest checking on different chicken coop ideas. I texted a few friends for advice. I even watched some DIY youtube videos on how to build a coop. From my research, I've learned that there are 53 different chicken breeds! I've narrowed down my search to 4 different breeds I'd like to have. I've included some photos below and some fun reasons why I'd want the breed. I also joined a community chicken Facebook group! The group has great chicken advice and even has some chicken breeders. Does anyone own chickens? If you do, any advice?

Easter eggers - laid colored eggs
Marans - Laid chocolate eggs (brown eggs)

Wyandotte - super friendly, great for children

Brahma - can be trained, great for 4H

Margot saying "hi chicken" 💓




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