Challenge Accepted! Thanks Tired Teacher

 This week I was feeling a lull in what I should blog about. I think I'm running out of steam. If it's not one thing it's another in my household. And this mom is tired! 

Soo when tiredteacher issues a challenge on Twitter, I thought, "yes this is what I shall do this week!". Last night I went through all the blogs and commented on each of them. Let me tell you, that was some work right there. I am not good with chit-chats. Also, it was 10:00pm and I was at a 2-year-old birthday party in the hot sun for most of the day chasing my 2-year-old. 😪 So I might have been a bit delirious by that time in the night. 

I learned a lot! 

1. I tend to visit the same blogs week by week and it's really not on purpose. I just usually try to knock out my blogs early in the week so I miss out on what others post. I usually try to comment on those that have posted for the week. 

2. I know would like to own a sapo sponge how thanks to isdbyjscl

3. We have some natural bloggers in our class! Some of you are so great at writing out your blogs and even making your blog your own. When you visit mine, you can tell it's on blogger. I really need to step my game up! 

Thank you Tired Teacher for the challenge it was interesting, but I for sure don't think I could keep up with it weekly. I'll try to get out of my comfort zone and venture to different blogs. I will say your blog is one of my favorites!  


  1. Wow that's amazing dedication. I attempted to take on the challenge, but quickly dropped out. Thanks for the interactivity! Going loo for your comments on visiting pages!


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